
My passion for travel led me to continuously discover new horizons.

With an inquisitive and observant spirit, passionate and sensitive,I like to experiment with different materials, forms and moods, giving free rein to my artistic imagination.

Self-taught in my early years, it was a significant meeting with Chinese painter FANG ZHENG that made me delve into the subtleties of Traditional Chinese Painting and Calligraphy.

Numerous stays in China have enabled me to immerse myself in the heart of an ancient civilisation, inspiring me to share enlightening encounters and dive into the country’s depth and spirituality.
The regular practise of a very ancient technique and the requirement of the gesture made me want to explore others areas of expression. Over the past ten years, I have been exploring the vast field of etching, through witch my aim is to express my emotions and my feelings.

Combining techniques from both continents, my discoveries led me to build a bridge between two shores , creating pathways between tradition and modernity, reality and dream, life and poetry.

Thereafter, attending the Safranier engraving workshop in Antibes and a long-term work with sculptor and calligrapher HO LUI has enabled me to create from my experiences.

Thank you to everyone who helped me on my way.

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